

«Дракенфурт» — это текстовая ролевая игра в жанре городского фэнтези. Вымышленный мир, где люди бок о бок соседствуют с вампирами, конная тяга — с паровыми механизмами, детективные интриги — с подковерными политическими играми, а парящие при луне нетопыри — с реющими под облаками дирижаблями. Стараниями игроков этот мир вот уже десять лет подряд неустанно совершенствуется, дополняясь новыми статьями и обретая новые черты. Слишком живой и правдоподобный, чтобы пренебречь логикой и здравым смыслом, он не обещает полного отсутствия сюжетных рамок и неограниченной свободы действий, но, озаренный горячей любовью к слову, согретый повсеместным духом сказки — светлой и ироничной, как юмор Терри Пратчетта, теплой и радостной, как наши детские сны, — он предлагает побег от суеты беспокойных будней и отдых для тоскующей по мечте души. Если вы жаждете приключений и романтики, мы приглашаем вас в игру и желаем: в добрый путь! Кровавых вам опасностей и сладостных побед!
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Сегодня в игре: 17 июня 1828 года, Второй час людей, пятница;
ветер юго-восточный 2 м/c, переменная облачность; температура воздуха +11°С; растущая луна

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[DW] Glass'n'Roses

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A game for practicing both English and OpenAI performed by Cathy, Eiden, and Mr. Chatbot the Game Master which uses Dungeon World rules.


Cathy and Eiden had known each other since childhood, when they were toddlers. Back then, they were best friends and lived in neighboring houses in the countryside. Later, Cathy's family moved to Roseville, but Eiden stayed where he was. The friends missed each other and wrote letters to each other to maintain their friendship, although sometimes they weren't entirely honest. Cathy did not know that Eiden had lost his only parent when he was twelve and had to face life by himself. If she had known, she would have asked him to move to Roseville.

As they grew up, they remained close friends, but they hadn't seen each other in years. They had their own lives. A year ago, Cathy entered the Magic Academy and became one of the best students and a novice mage, while Eiden chose another path as a rogue.

One sunny afternoon, they met again. Cathy was taking a walk by the riverbank, trying to get some fresh air after a long day of studying. As she was walking, she saw Eiden being chased by a group of goblins. He was outnumbered and outmatched, but he was putting up a good fight, trying to fend them off with his trusty sword.

Cathy, being a mage, knew she had to intervene. She quickly opened her spellbook and prepared a magic missile spell. She pointed her finger at the goblins and unleashed the spell, striking two of them down.

Eiden was amazed by Cathy's display of magical prowess. He had never seen anyone cast a spell like that before. He thanked her for saving him and introduced himself. They were both shocked when they recognized each other.

After a heartwarming reunion, the friends enjoyed some ice cream in the park next to the Magic Academy. As they were catching up and laughing, explosions and magical flashes erupted from the Academy, interrupting their fun. Panicked students fled the building, warning of terrorists and a dire situation inside.

One student claimed that Mrs. Smith, Miss Hammett, and even the principal were dead. Eiden, who had seen similar explosions when his grandmother was turned into a glass statue, felt the need to investigate. Cathy, shocked but determined, went with him to the Academy. ...

So, what are you going to do next?

Character sheets:
  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0005/6e/de/2124-5.png  Cathy Blackwood
She and her cat live in a town called Roseville, located in the suburbs of the magical kingdom of Eryndor. The town is situated on picturesque hills covered with fresh greenery and surrounded by woods. On the outskirts of the town, there is a small river with clear water and silver fish. Cathy's house is nice and cozy and stands close to The Magic Academy, where Cathy studies. At the moment, she is going to take up an alchemy course.
Her cat is smart, neat, and has a gorgeous ginger fur coat. He follows her everywhere, and anytime she needs him, he's there for her.
  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0005/6e/de/2124-5.png  Eiden Oakwood
He grew up in a small village on the outskirts of a large kingdom where stories of legendary heroes and their quests filled his imagination. Despite his humble beginnings, this young man has a fiery spirit and an insatiable thirst for adventure. He has read every book in the local library, hoping to learn the skills and knowledge needed to embark on his journey. Equipped with a trusty rapier and his wits, he leaves his village in search of adventure. His travels take him through dense forests and treacherous mountains, where he battles fierce monsters and faces countless challenges along the way. Through his trials and tribulations, he learns valuable lessons and gains new skills. With each triumph, he becomes more confident and determined, fueled by the desire to one day achieve greatness and leave his mark on the world. This young man may be inexperienced, but he is destined for greatness.



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Eiden focuses his mind on the moment when his grandma was turned into a glass statue, trying to remember any details that could be helpful. However, he finds it hard to concentrate, and his mind keeps wandering to different memories from his childhood. Despite his efforts, he can't seem to recall any new information about the incident.

The roll result for Eiden's Spout Lore is 6+1=7, which is a partial success. He remembers some details, but they might be unclear or incomplete.

Eiden scratches his head and says, "I'm sorry, Cathy, I can't seem to remember much. I do remember that we were at my grandma's house, and I was showing her some new trick I learned. Then, suddenly, she was frozen, and I saw a dark figure running away from the window. That's all I can recall, unfortunately. But maybe it's a good start?"

What are you going to do next?




"That's okay, you can recall this later, or we can find another way of reconstructing the scene you're trying to remember," Cathy says. "And you don't have to thank me since it's important to me too. You see, I can't continue my studies until my teachers are brought back to life. We don't have any other teachers in our town, so this case is not just about your grandma but also about my teachers and my future as a student at the magical academy."

By the way, she has to admit that the glade where they're eating is pretty strange. "Firstly, there's a strange feeling in the air; it's as if some shadows of magic are hiding between the trees," says the girl. "Secondly, my dad has walked through this forest many times in his life, but I can't recall him talking about this place: the glade and the stream, even though he loves talking about this forest since he's a zoologist. And finally, Marius also feels something unusual in the air, and he's really sensitive to magic—"

"Meow!" says the cat, seemingly approving her words.

"To summarize," Cathy concludes, "if we're done with dinner, I'd like to cast a spell of Detecting Magic to see if there's any magic around. But it could be dangerous if I fail, so please, Eiden, grab Marius, hide in a safe place, and cover my back if something goes wrong, if you don't mind."

Cathy takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and focuses her magical senses to detect any magical presence in the area. She feels a tingle at the tip of her fingers and a slight pressure on her temples as she concentrates on the spell.

GM, please roll for me 2d6+2 for Detecting Magic and tell what Cathy feels.



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Rolling 2d6+2 for Detect Magic, you get a total of 10.

As the spell takes effect, Cathy feels a rush of information flooding her mind. She senses a faint aura of magic emanating from the glade itself, as well as from the surrounding trees and the stream. The magic is old and powerful, but it's not aggressive or threatening in any way.

As Cathy opens her eyes, she notices a faint glow around her fingertips, confirming the success of her spell. "I sense something here," she says to Eiden. "It's an ancient magic, but it's not harmful. It's just... here."

Marius jumps out of Cathy's lap and sniffs the air, meowing curiously. The cat seems to be aware of the magic too, but it's hard to tell what he's thinking.

Cathy turns to Eiden and asks, "Do you want to explore this place more or continue our investigation in some other place?"

What are you going to do next?




Eiden thinks for a moment and then says, "Since we need to find the forest sorcerers who could help us with our investigation, and since we only know that they live somewhere in this forest, it makes sense to start looking for them from this glade. Perhaps if we listen to the ancient magic, it may guide us to the sorcerers we're searching for."

He puts out the fire to indicate that dinner is over and then continues, "You mentioned the stories of people who ventured into the forest in search of the sorcerers, but none of them ever returned. Unlike them, we will return. I promise I'll protect you and Marius."

He pets the cat, still holding him, and the cat doesn't mind. Eiden finishes with, "Also, remember that you said there is a clearing in the forest where people sometimes leave offerings to the sorcerers, hoping for their favor or protection. Maybe this glade is a good place for us to leave an offering? What do you think?" and looks at Cathy, waiting for her decision.




Cathy agrees wholeheartedly with Eiden's suggestion. "Absolutely, Eiden, you couldn't be more right. This glade is the ideal location to commence our quest for the sorcerers. But how should we go about making an offering to them? Do we need to build an altar, and what would even count as an offering? Hmm, I think I might have something in my book about that."

With these words, she opens her book and begins to peruse the pages, scouring the text for any relevant details on the matter at hand. After all, it's been a while since she's revisited the local wizarding customs and practices.

GM, please roll 2d6+2 for Spot Lore and tell if Cathy have found anything.



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Cathy, the result of the roll is 8.

Cathy spends some time perusing through her book, looking for information on offerings to forest sorcerers. After a few minutes, she finds a section discussing the subject. She reads aloud, "It is customary to leave gifts of food, drink, or items of personal significance to the forest spirits as offerings. The spirits are said to appreciate gifts that are meaningful to the giver, as it shows respect and reverence for the natural world."

According to the book, it is common practice to leave an offering of something natural, such as flowers or fruit, to the sorcerers in hopes of gaining their favor. The book also suggests that building an altar isn't necessary, but it is important to make sure the offering is presented respectfully and in a way that shows reverence to the sorcerers.

Cathy closes the book and looks up at Eiden. "Okay, so according to my book, we should leave an offering of something natural, like flowers or fruit, as a sign of respect to the sorcerers. We don't necessarily need to build an altar, but we should present it in a way that shows reverence. What do you think, Eiden? Do we have any flowers or fruit with us, or do we need to gather some?"

What are you going to do?




Eiden nods thoughtfully. "I think I saw some wild berries and flowers on the way here. We can gather those and make a small offering. As for presenting it respectfully, maybe we can arrange them neatly in a little pile or basket. We don't want to offend the sorcerers by being careless or disrespectful."

He scans their surroundings, looking for any natural items that could serve as an offering. "Let's split up and gather what we can find. We'll meet back here in half an hour and see what we've got." With that, Eiden sets off to look for offerings, leaving Cathy to do the same.




Cathy exclaimed excitedly, "I know, I know what we could have picked for our offering! The wild roses that I had seen blooming near here. I was exhausted but I still noticed them on our way here to this glade. I can show you the place where they were."

But Eiden wanted to pick some more goodies, so he offered to split up and gather some berries or mushrooms additionally.

"Okay then, but isn't it dangerous to split up here in the woods?" asked Cathy, but Eiden had already set off to look for offerings, leaving Cathy alone with her cat.

"All right, Marius, let's find those rose bushes! Do you remember where they were? Lead me to them."

Marius, who had just finished licking his paws after a tasty meal, sniffed the air, pricked up his ears, and then walked across the glade to the tiny path that led to the bushes.

Once on the path, Cathy started to scan the surroundings by kneeling down and looking under the trees and hummocks, searching for flowers, nuts, berries, and mushrooms.

GM, please roll 2d6+1 for Discern Realities. On a 10+, answer 3 questions from the list below. On a 7–9, answer 1.
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here?
• What here is not what it appears to be?



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Cathy rolls 2d6+1 and gets 8.

Cathy looks around and notices that the forest floor is covered in a thick layer of leaves, twigs, and moss. As she sifts through the debris, she finds a small, rusty key lying in the dirt. She also notices that the wild rose bushes Marius led her to are in full bloom, and she carefully picks a few of the prettiest ones, being careful not to prick her fingers on the thorns.

As she continues her search, she hears a faint rustling sound coming from a nearby bush. She approaches it cautiously, but the rustling stops as soon as she gets close.

What are you going to do next?




Cathy suspects that something is hiding in the bush and decides to investigate further. Cathy slowly approaches the bushes, trying not to startle whatever is hiding inside. As she draws closer, she notices that the leaves are rustling more than they should be from the wind alone. She stops and watches intently, ready to take action if necessary.

GM, please roll 2d6 for Defy Danger with Dexterity. On a 10+, she avoids danger and gains an advantage. On a 7–9, she avoids danger but suffers a setback. On a 6 or less, something bad happens.



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Cathy rolls 2d6 and gets 10.

Suddenly, a small animal bursts out of the bushes, scurrying across the path and disappearing into the underbrush on the other side. It was just a rabbit, but it had given Cathy quite a scare.

After catching her breath, Cathy continues her search for the wild roses. She spots a cluster of pink and white blooms peeking out from under a nearby tree and quickly gathers them up, being careful not to damage the delicate petals.

Satisfied with her find, Cathy heads back to the glade, hoping that Eiden has had some luck with his search as well.

What are you going to do?




At that time, Eiden goes past the glade and up the stream, then he bends down and rummages through the grass, looking under the bushes and stumps for any forest gifts that would make good offerings.

Please roll 2d6+1 for Discern Realities for Eiden.



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

Sure thing!

Rolling 2d6+1 for Discern Realities for Eiden, I got a total of 9.

On a 7-9, Eiden can ask one question from the list below:

• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• What here is not what it appears to be?
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is the greatest danger to us?
• Who or what is really in control here?




Eiden asks, "What here is the greatest danger to us?"



[nick]ChatGpt[/nick][status]Game master[/status][icon]https://drakenfurt.s3.amazonaws.com/04-Katalog-avatarov/Avatary-bestij/Temnye-bestii/52.jpg[/icon]

As Eiden rummages through the grass and bushes, he becomes aware of a sense of unease, as if he's being watched. After a moment, he realizes that there is a pack of wolves nearby, and they seem to be eyeing him hungrily. The realization sends a shiver down his spine.

Eiden understands that the wolves could be a significant threat to him and his companions, especially if they were to attack in numbers. He takes a deep breath and starts to think of ways to avoid or defend against them.

What are you up to?


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